Where are we going?

2 responses to “Where are we going?

  1. Like this one, thanks, Camille!


  2. This is a great series that you have going here. I laughed at the title of this one.

    As I recall, we had a short exchange, possibly on Facebook, several years ago, about Vince Guaraldi.

    Along about that time, I think, I was reading your useful explication of an early Scalapino poem or sequence. My memory for details is muted. I have just located and printed out what I think is that piece of yours I was remembering. I look forward to reading it again when I have time.


    Doug White 2208 Forrest Pointe Drive East Greenbush, NY 12061 518 567 8191 hewhorunsmayread@mac.com harrowright@gmail.com



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